
Shabbat ChatanJune 69:30amShearith Israel's Beit Aryeh
18011 Hillcrest
Dallas, Texas 75252
Day Trip to Yal KuJune 1210amBus leaves from the
Gran Caribe Real Hotel.
Departs Yal Ku at 3:30pm
Friday Night ServicesJune 126:30pmGran Caribe Real Hotel
Meet in lobby for services
on the beach
Saturday BrunchJune 1310amGran Caribe Real's
Albatros Restaurant
HavdalahJune 138pmGran Caribe Real Hotel
Meet in lobby for services
on the beach
Cocktail HourJune 145pmJW Marriot
Cancun, Mexico
Suggested Attire:
Dressy Casual
Wedding CeremonyJune 146pm"
ReceptionJune 147-10pm"